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Information Technology Support

Information Technology Support

We create digital profile of the manufacturers so that the Buyers could make a virtual tour of the factory and the facilities. Virtual tours are designed to allow buyers to step inside and get a realistic idea of the manufacturing unit, leading to confidence and trust in the business. We have started deploying virtual inspection with some of the manufacturers as a pilot which would be taken to the rest of the manufacturers gradually making our production follow-up and quality inspection smooth, transparent and efficient.

Information Technology helps in –

  • Business continuity — inspections can continue regardless of vendor site access or travel restrictions.
  • Personnel safety during widespread health-related challenges such as COVID-19 
  • Remote location visibility solution — increase inspection frequency for customers with remote locations to mitigate the risks resulting from lack of visibility.
  • Increased efficiency for customers and inspectors
  • Transparency in work and extra confidence in the business

Moreover, we have implemented an application/system where each and every field activity is updated on a daily basis and access to that application is given to our buyers/customers so that they have first hand information on what is happening at the field level. We also maintain a timesheet of our quality inspectors so that we are aware of the time and cost spent monitoring each delivery.